Discobolus of Myron

This is a print of a plaster cast of a Roman copy of a bronze Greek original sculpture dating from the fifth century BC. The Greek original was lost in antiquity, luckily the Romans made a marble copy which today can be admired in The National Museum of Rome. The athlete is represented in full swing; ready to throw his disc. The Allard Pierson Museum has a marvelous collection of almost 300 plaster casts, including the Discobolus of Myron. These casts were originally made in the nineteenth century in The Hague and used as study objects for art students.

The Allard Pierson Museum is redesigning its permanent collection and the plaster casts play an important role in the new exhibition spaces. During MuseumCamp we would like to play with the placement of the Discobolus, using the print as a try out. Can the Discobolus be placed in front of our window as an icon that links the outer space of the museum with the exhibition space? Can we think of new ways to exhibit the plaster casts?

Written by: Laurien de Gelder, Project coordinator Refurbishment– Researcher Allard Pierson Museum