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Real Fake
The real or fake issue clinging to this little statue is very intriguing. Maybe it is really a commemorative stone from the 3rd or 4th century, made for a deceased boy in Egypt; several similar steles from that time still exist. On the other hand there are reasons to think that the relief was made much later, in the nineteenth or twentieth century, when selling copies or fake objects attributed to the antiquities could be very lucrative. Diverse stories like these give a narrative to an object and can be very interesting, especially when they touch you in one way or the other; but what do these stories exactly tell if we are not sure if they are true - because we’re not sure when, where and what the (art) work has been made for. What would you as a visitor have to say on this? Does it matter to you that this or another museum object is real, authentic? Go have a look in the museum, buy a pair of real? Nike's and decide for yourself if you mind: real or fake.

Group members are: Titia Zoeter, Camille Francoise, Hiljanne van der Meer, Lisa Whittel, Liselotte Neervoort.